Online Business Writing Training: 4 Reasons to Enroll Your Team

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Poor, ineffective or excess communication costs businesses in wasted time and money. How can you and your team work together, better?

In today’s work-from-home environment it’s even more important to communicate with clarity. Teams are mastering new technologies, like Zoom, and communicating more over email and instant messaging tools, like Slack. People are more spread out yet more connected than ever – maybe even too connected. And this is how communication in the workplace begins to breakdown.

As a result, the rules of effective communication have changed. So, as you rely more on the written word to connect with team members, it’s a good idea to brush up on some key writing skills. Luckily, it’s easier than ever to enroll your team into online business writing training.

What is Online Business Writing Training?

Online business writing training helps teams unlearn bad writing habits and improve the way they approach writing business documents and emails. But not all online training courses are created equal.

To find the training program that’s right for you, search for a group that keeps the big picture in mind. Ultimately, you want to train your teams to communicate with clarity, which will help you improve overall performance. This means you need to train with an organization that has worked with people like you. Generic or even free writing training won’t cut it.

Online business writing training, done right, offers a number of bottom-line-impacting benefits. Stuff that will help your team:

  • Write clear and organized emails, reports and presentations
  • Save time, improve productivity and get work done
  • Manage different people and priorities to work better together 

4 Reasons to Enroll Your Team

1. Flexible Pace

Everyone has their own learning style and capacity for retaining information. Some people can work through material quickly, others take more time. Online training allows individual team members to work in the way that works best for them – at their own pace.

Plus, ROI is often higher with online training because you don’t have to interrupt a day’s worth of work to attend on-site training. The training works with your schedule, without getting in the way.

2. Diverse Learning Methods

Effective online training environments can be more engaging than their on-site counterparts. This is because online training can offer more diverse learning methods and interactive elements.

For example, mid-lesson activities and quizzes help team members pay attention and retain information. Short video clips and animations make it feel like they’re in the room with the expert teaching them. Online training can even engage participants by guiding them through review and revision of their own writing samples, helping them apply their learning.

Also, online training that utilizes lesson narration allows team members to listen more than read. Again, everyone operates differently, so this kind of accessibility is crucial.

3. Improved Retention

Employees who attend on-site training can often get distracted – either by whatever work they have waiting for them at the office, or from boredom brought on by a dull speaker. This hampers their ability to retain information.

A good online training solution does more than just change the way you and your team write. It changes the way you think about writing. This method of learning gets to the core of the problem and allows for immediate application. This, in turn, helps the teachings stick.

4. Personalized Coaching

Some people prefer having a real person instruct them. High-quality online training solutions will often have live coaching as an option. So, you’re not always limited to pre-written material.

Some providers even offer group follow-up sessions – via Zoom or over the phone – where you can get personalized attention and training. This gives your team the opportunity to come together after everybody’s finished the training – and ensure everyone walks away with new and applicable skills.


Effective business writing is a must. Now more than ever, teams should prioritize communication and collaboration. Online business writing training is a fast, effective way to improve how your team works together – all while saving time, preventing rework and helping everybody get more done.

Berry Writing Group offers the fastest and most immediately effective online business writing training: Writing to Get Things Done®. Classes for teams are enrolling now—or demo the course for FREE today.

Get in Touch. Get Things Done.